Thursday, March 11, 2010


So today was the long awaited for G&D ice cream function.
So many disasters and I feel responsible for everything as the ic of the event . sigh.
Despite everything , I still hope everyone who attended had a great time and enjoyed the ice-cream :(

I do think the debrief was the icing to take cake though. Although I saw duck's point , he asked me to move the games to the marquee , but i didn't understand the benefit of doing so and stuck to the middle since there was space and the mics cant reach the marquee anyway. So thinking it was just a question , i just replieid "oh actually there was space" and he decided to throw me out of the room because i was fixating(mind you i only replied to his questions , didn't start anything, and was in a normal tone too)......Way to be the better person in that one , personally I thought it was an immature decision , you asked , i replied. If you wanted to move on , as the teacher you should have said ok lets move on since the tone was normal and no one was angry but instead you asked me to get out (you could have also explained why you wanted it in the marquee , till now it still looks like its just because you wanted it to be). Yes I am ranting . But its your fault.SSADFDGA I think what you did was good , trying to make us better leaders , but sometimes your methods are questionable.I find it ironic how I just typed that in a rant BUT I AM IN MY DEVELOPMENTAL BUFFER ZONE AS A TEEENAGER :D
I'm so sorry to everyone who felt they were under informed and blame me for the chaos.I feel really bad about it.
Giant Sighs.Big Giant Sighs.BREATHE. I am apologetic but ok if you were wondering.
I've decided to continue my rant so , btw duck , just so you know , people don't make mistakes because they want to. If you thought i made an error in judgement , you should explain to me not throw me out of the room.

LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL : tomorrow is dance concert emcee auditions and we've planned a whole elaborate performance to put up. Even if we don't get chosen , its going to be that amazing.

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