Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's the time of the month.

So like Reuben was PMS-ing in the HC room yesterday.....I feel his pain.
Spent like the whole Monday working on the "insert swear word" road run forms , just to get complaints about how people have decided they dont want to run , or have strong objections to it WHEN THEY CAN RUN..... WHERES YOUR SCHOOL SPIRIT "insert swear word" here.

Today I was also removed as 19/09's CG-Rep .... " insert swear word here". Noelle congratulated me and wants me to look at it as a blessing , less Sai Kang to do , but oh well.I want to insert a swear word here.

OG15 is still bonded , makes my worries fade away.

If I seem pissed, angry or unpleasant the next few days . It's a mid-teen crisis, I suppose. I don't know why I'm in a bad mood. Don't take it personally.

How apt. Years of scientific research summarised in one picture.

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