Monday, March 23, 2009

The Lion , The Hill and I swear she was the size of a wardrobe.

Twas Wednesday morning , 4am when we woke up to catch our flight to Jakarta! Only slept at like 1:45am
Day 1

Woke up at 4am , got to the airport by around 5:45 , checked in , got on the plane and unleashed the Zzz's. Arrived at Sokaerno-Hatta Airport by around 8:15am , got into the minivan and unleashed more Zzz's!! When i woke up , was at a place called safari park , where you pretty much drive through the area and the animals are all around you running around . A llama came up and kissed the car too! The carnivores part was alot better though , there was a tiger at the wheel of the car. Further up , we saw 2 lions .....then 2 lions attemping to make babies.....then a female lion kicking the male lion . She didn't seem too impressed by the sudden intrusion :P No the lady lion was not giving the male lion a piggy back!

Then the van stopped at like the end point of the safari park where you can go into the bird sanctuary and then the baby animals section. Here are some pics

On Day 2 , we cam whored in grandparents hotel room in the morning, it was an amazing room.

Then we went to the botanical gardens where we took more pictures and played in the water , then our self-proclaimed guide told us the waterfall was "nearby" , after about a 4km uphill hike into the forest , Uncle Arif and I finally reached the bloody waterfall! But it was worth it because we took this awesomely cool photo! Look:

Unfortunately , Amir got sick later that day , started aspirating so he had to go to the hospital for some O2 ( actually he was just checking out the facilities you know ;D )

For dinner we went to this place called Pondok Daun ( Leaf Hut). The ambience was out of this world and i swear the people working there had super human hearing , considering they could near the "Tok" amidst the mat rock music and croaking of frogs.

Next day we went to the flower garden , but i dont have the pics after which we left to Bandung from Puncak , on the way there we stopped by the Volcano , here's a pic , was really amazing. In the picture , if i took about 2 steps back , i'd fall into the fiery depths of the smoking crater.

Before catching our flight , we met the grandparents friends from like 30 years ago and their children etc , heres a group pic

Alas back in Singapore , excited to see everyone again :) and for your music shot BACK TO THE 90'S!

New Radicals - You get what you give (WAS SO HARD TO FIND THIS AUDIO!)

White town - Your woman

TLC - Unpretty

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